Posted on 4/28/2022
With inflation on the rise, you may be thinking of ways to save money or cut costs. Using your car for long work commutes or frequent smaller trips can really make an impact on your wallet. You might be interested to know that you can save yourself a few dollars and increase your gas mileage with these 5 tips on fuel efficiency. Maintain Your Tires One of the most simple ways to increase fuel efficiency, by up to 8 cents per gallon, is to make sure your tires are at the correct inflation. Improperly inflated tires reduce your gas mileage but also cause tire damage, further costing you in the long-term in more frequent replacements. Use a High-Quality Motor Oil For Your Car You can save up to 5 cents per gallon by checking your vehicle manufacturer and using the thinnest-viscosity of motor oil to suit. If a professional auto repairer is servicing your vehicle, they will know which oil is recommended. Empty the Trunk You may not think that having your trunk full makes any differenc ... read more